Movie: Mononoke-hime (1997)
"Set in feudal Japan a time of upheaval of samurai warriors and isolated villages comes this story of a gun-wielding, young brave princess who was raised by wolves named Princess Mononoke who is sent to an ancient, forested land to defend the forest from human encroachment which threatens to unbalance the forces of nature. Ashitaka intervenes to stop the two sides fighting and takes San back to the forest, but is injured in the process. With San's intervention, he is healed of his wounds - but not his curse - by the forest spirit. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}"
- Director: Hayao Miyazaki
- Release Date: 26 November 1999 (USA)
- Run Time: 134 min
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Animation , Adventure , Fantasy
- MPAA: Rated PG-13 for images of violence and gore.
Tagline: The Fate Of The World Rests On The Courage Of One Warrior.
Trivia: Director Trademark: [Hayao Miyazaki] [pigs]The tribe of boars, one of which is the demon Ashitaka fights in the beginning.
Goofs: Factual errors: In the movie, Lady Eboshi mentions iron for "Lord Asano and his samurai," however Lord Asano lived 1667-1701 -- well after the Tokugawa shogunate seclusion laws that banned firearms.
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