Thursday, April 15, 2010

Download The Matrix

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Movie: The Matrix (1999)

"During the year 1999, a man named Thomas Anderson lives an ordinary life. He makes a living illegally mostly by computer hacking. Then one day he meets another man by the man of Morpheus. After their friendship develops Morpheus shows him that world Thomas is living is make-believe. At first Thomas does not believe him, but then is shown evidence and also meets with a like-minded woman named Trinity. He is slowly updated from the time the world was disintegrated and wasted, devoid of all natural resources. Then in this wasteland, came android-like humans, machine-made, who enslaved the remainder of the humans. In order to create the perfect world, a fake world is created to fool the humans into believing that everything is alright in their world. Now Thomas, Trinity, and Morpheus must lead the humans to freedom, but will the android-like beings let them? Written by Sumitra (corrected by Sonia)"

  • Release Date: 31 March 1999 (USA)
  • Run Time: 136 min
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: Action , Adventure , Sci-Fi , Thriller
  • MPAA: Rated R for sci-fi violence and brief language.

Tagline: In a world of 1s and 0s...are you a zero, or The One?

Trivia: When Neo is meeting with the Oracle, the music playing in the background in her apartment is Django Reinhardt's "Minor Swing".

Goofs: Factual errors: On the roof of the building in which Morpheus is being held, Trinity asks for a "pilot program for a P-212 helicopter"... the helicopter on Tank's screen appears to be the correct model, but the gunship they actually use is a Vietnam-era Huey.

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