Movie: Kurenai no buta (1992)
"In Early 1930's era Italy, air pirates, bounty hunters and high flyers of all sorts rule the skies. The most cunning and skilled of these pilots is Porco Rosso, a man cursed with the head of a pig after watching the spirits of the pilots killed in the last air battle he fought in rise to the heavens. He now makes a living taking jobs, such as rescuing those kidnapped by air pirates. Donald Curtis, Porco's rival in the air and in catching the affections of women, provides a constant challenge to the hero, culminating in a hilarious, action packed finale. Written by Anonymous"
- Director: Hayao Miyazaki
- Release Date: 18 July 1992 (Japan)
- Run Time: 94 min
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Animation , Adventure , Fantasy , Romance
- MPAA: Rated PG for violence and some mild language.
Trivia: In the pirates joint attack sequence you can read on the front part of one of the pirate planes: "Morte ai porcelli!!" ("Death to the pigs!!") (Even though the first R is spelled like a N, but it may just be the handwriting...)
Goofs: Miscellaneous: There are spelling mistakes in all three italian texts that appear in the movie: first newspaper "mamma aito" instead of "mamma aiuto" and "L'bambie" instead of "Le bambine", second newspaper "vivo a morto" instead of "vivo o morto", third sign in Piccolo's office "non si fo credito" instead of "non si fa credito".
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