Movie: Batman Begins (2005)
"Eight-year-old Bruce Wayne falls into a cave where he encounters a swarm of bats. Bruce develops a fear of bats, and later urges his parents to leave an opera featuring bat-like creatures. Outside the theater, Bruce Wayne's parents are both killed in a robbery by mugger Joe Chill. Bruce blames himself for his parents' murder: had he not been frightened, the Waynes would not have encountered Chill. He is taken in by a mysterious instructor named Ducard and urged to become a ninja in the League of Shadows, but he instead returns to his native Gotham City resolved to end the mob rule that is strangling it. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}"
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Release Date: 15 June 2005 (USA)
- Run Time: 140 min
- Country: USA
- Genre: Action , Crime , Thriller
- MPAA: Rated PG-13 for intense action violence, disturbing images and some thematic elements.
Trivia: Viggo Mortensen turned down Liam Neeson's role. Daniel Day-Lewis was also approached.
Goofs: Plot holes: The toxin used by the Scarecrow is shown to take almost instant effect on its victims but when the League of Shadows set the microwave emitter off and disperse the water-borne toxin into the air, they are shown to be caught by several jets and clouds of steam before putting their gas masks on. Ducard then boards the train, which would be full of the toxin-laden air, and takes his mask off, all without any side effects.
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