Movie: The Wrestler (2008)
"A drama centered on retired professional wrestler Randy "The Ram" Robinson as he makes his way through the independent circuit, trying to get back in the game for one final showdown with his former rival. Written by Anonymous"
- Director: Darren Aronofsky
- Release Date: 9 January 2009 (Latvia)
- Run Time: 115 min
- Country: USA
- Genre: Drama , Sport
- MPAA: Rated R for violence, sexuality/nudity, language and some drug use.
Tagline: Love. Pain. Glory.
Trivia: World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Famer Afa Anoai ("The Wild Samoan") trained Rourke and choreographed the matches. His daughter, Vale Anoai, plays a brief role as a pharmacist.
Goofs: Continuity: When Randy is sitting in his car telling Cassidy about his heart attack, his hair alternates from in front of his ear to behind in several shots.
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