Movie: Doubt (2008)
"Set at a Catholic school in the Bronx, it centers on a nun who grows suspicious when a priest begins taking too much interest in the life of a young black student. Is she being overly protective or not protective enough? And can she work within the system to discover the truth? Written by Sherman (courtesy of"
- Director: John Patrick Shanley
- Release Date: 8 January 2009 (Israel)
- Run Time: 104 min
- Country: USA
- Genre: Drama , Mystery
- MPAA: Rated PG-13 for thematic material.
Trivia: Oprah Winfrey reportedly lobbied for the role of Mrs. Miller, but John Patrick Shanley refused to even give her a reading.
Goofs: Continuity: As Father Flynn sits alone in Sister Aloysius' office after their final confrontation, he handles his breviary and arranges two pressed flowers on its cover. His notoriously long fingernails are suddenly trimmed short in that scene.
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