Movie: Speed Racer (2008)
"The story begins with Speed Racer who is a young man with natural racing instincts whose goal is to win The Crucible, a cross-country car racing rally that took the life of his older brother, Rex Racer. Speed is loyal to the family business, run by his parents Pops and Mom. Pops designed Speed's car, the Mach 5. The owner of Royalton Industries makes Speed a lucrative offer, Speed rejects the offer, angering the owner. Speed also uncovers a secret that top corporate interests, including Royalton, are fixing races and cheating to gain profit. With the offer to Speed denied, Royalton wants to ensure that Speed will not win races. Speed finds support from his parents and his girlfriend Trixie and enters The Crucible in a partnership with his one-time rival, Racer X, seeking to rescue his family's business and the racing sport itself. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}"
- Release Date: 9 May 2008 (USA)
- Run Time: 135 min
- Country: USA , Germany
- Genre: Action , Family , Sport
- MPAA: Rated PG for sequences of action, some violence and language.
Tagline: Go
Trivia: Danica Patrick was reportedly offered a cameo but declined secondary to racing commitments with Andretti Green Racing and the Indy Racing League.
Goofs: Revealing mistakes: When Speed and Trixie are parked on the hill in the rain, the freeway visible behind Trixie's head is not animated. There are solid white lines representing oncoming traffic and solid red lines for traffic moving away.
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