Sunday, February 28, 2010

Download The World’s Fastest Indian

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Movie: The World's Fastest Indian (2005)

"For 25 years, Burt Munro (1899-1978), from Invercargill at the south end of New Zealand, has been working on his motorcycle, a 1920 Indian, to increase its speed. He dreams of taking it to the salt flats of Bonneville, Utah to see how fast it will go. By the early 1960s, heart disease threatens his life, so he mortgages his house and takes a boat to Los Angeles, buys an old car, builds a makeshift trailer, gets the Indian through customs, and heads for Utah. Along the way, people he meets are charmed by his open, direct friendliness. If he makes it to Bonneville, will they let an old guy on the flats with makeshift tires, no brakes, and no chute? And will the Indian actually respond? Written by {}"

  • Director: Roger Donaldson
  • Release Date: 13 October 2005 (New Zealand)
  • Run Time: 127 min
  • Country: New Zealand , USA , Switzerland , Japan
  • Genre: Biography , Drama , Sport
  • MPAA: Rated PG-13 for brief language, drug use and a sexual reference.

Tagline: Based On One Hell Of A True Story

Trivia: The actual street where the Post Office was set is called The Crescent, and had 1960s phone booths and parking meters fitted for the shoot. Local residents offered to move their parked cars to allow room for the production vans.

Goofs: Crew or equipment visible: In the scene in which Burt and the Indian are caught speeding by the state trooper, skid marks created by the cruiser in other takes are clearly visible in at least one shot.

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