Saturday, April 3, 2010

Download Hotel Rwanda

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Movie: Hotel Rwanda (2004)

"Ten years ago some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda--and in an era of high-speed communication and round the clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. In only three months, one million people were brutally murdered. In the face of these unspeakable actions, inspired by his love for his family, an ordinary man summons extraordinary courage to save the lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by granting them shelter in the hotel he manages. Written by Sujit R. Varma"

  • Director: Terry George
  • Release Date: 4 February 2005 (USA)
  • Run Time: 121 min
  • Country: UK , USA , Italy , South Africa
  • Genre: Biography , Drama , History , Thriller , War
  • MPAA: Rated PG-13 on appeal for violence, disturbing images and brief strong language.

Tagline: A true story of a man who fought impossible odds to save everyone he could and created a place where hope survived.

Trivia: The real Paul met with Don Cheadle.

Goofs: Continuity: In the last chapter, When Tatiana is looking for the pictures of her lost little nieces, we first see the pictures with two question marks under it. Five seconds later, the picture is blank.

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